hat.juggler - Python juggler library¶
This library provides Python implementation of Juggler communication protocol.
hat.juggler.connect coroutine creates client:
NotifyCb = aio.AsyncCallable[['Client', str, json.Data], None]
async def connect(address: str,
notify_cb: typing.Optional[NotifyCb] = None
) -> 'Client':
class Client(aio.Resource):
def async_group(self) -> aio.Group: ...
def state(self) -> json.Storage: ...
async def send(self,
name: str,
data: json.Data
) -> json.Data: ...
hat.juggler.listen coroutine creates server listening for incomming juggler connections:
ConnectionCb = aio.AsyncCallable[['Connection'], None]
RequestCb = aio.AsyncCallable[['Connection', str, json.Data], json.Data]
async def listen(host: str,
port: int,
connection_cb: ConnectionCb | None = None,
request_cb: RequestCb | None = None,
ws_path: str = '/ws',
static_dir: pathlib.PurePath | None = None,
index_path: str | None = '/index.html',
htpasswd_file: pathlib.PurePath | None = None,
ssl_ctx: ssl.SSLContext | None = None,
autoflush_delay: float | None = 0.2,
shutdown_timeout: float = 0.1,
state: json.Storage | None = None,
parallel_requests: bool = False,
additional_routes: Iterable[aiohttp.web.RouteDef] = []
) -> 'Server':
class Server(aio.Resource):
def async_group(self) -> aio.Group: ...
class Connection(aio.Resource):
def async_group(self) -> aio.Group: ...
def remote(self) -> str: ...
def state(self) -> json.Storage: ...
async def flush(self): ...
async def notify(self,
name: str,
data: json.Data): ...
from hat import aio
from hat import juggler
from hat import util
port = util.get_unused_tcp_port()
host = ''
conns = aio.Queue()
server = await juggler.listen(host, port, conns.put_nowait,
client = await juggler.connect(f'ws://{host}:{port}/ws')
conn = await conns.get()
data = aio.Queue()
conn.state.set([], 123)
data = await data.get()
assert data == 123
await server.async_close()
await conn.wait_closed()
await client.wait_closed()
API reference is available as part of generated documentation: